BRATS Raw: Kristofferson & Schwarzkopf
BRATS Raw is a series of uncut interviews from the movie, BRATS: Our Journey Home. We have so much wonderful footage, full of poignant and provocative moments, it seems a shame to waste it. Every time we screen the BRATS film, the audience says they want more - so here is the first segment of BRATS Raw - BRATS Raw: Kristofferson & Schwarzkopf.
Kris Kristofferson and the late General Norman Schwarzkopf are two American icons. They are also military brats; Kris is an Air Force Brat and General Schwarzkopf was raised in the Army. In BRATS Raw, Kris and the General explore their own journeys as American military brats; sons of soldiers, who then went on to join the military and raise their own brats.
General Schwarzkopf describes his adventures in Iran, where he lived with his father just after World War II, before attending a DoD school in Heidelberg and an international school in Switzerland. Kris recalls the difficulty he had telling his mother he was turning down a teaching assignment at West Point to try his hand at songwriting in Nashville. BRATS Raw is a rare glimpse into the childhoods and personal lives of two military brats who have shaped America's future.
Here is a a more extended segment (low res version) of Kris Kristofferson's interview.
You can also order a DVD copy of BRATS RAW: Kristofferson & Schwarzkopf online. If you order a copy of BRATS Raw together with BRATS: Our Journey Home, you get $5 off. All proceeds go to the nonprofit, Brats Without Borders.
the trailer
Here is a (currently low resolution) trailer for BRATS Raw: Kristofferson & Schwrazkopf.