Join Mailing List — Blind Turtle Productions

Join Our Mailing List!

If you would like to join our mailing list, send us information, or participate in any of our current or future projects, please fill out the form below.

You can also snail mail the form to:
Blind Turtle Productions
P.O. Box 9186

Denver, CO 80209 USA

Neighbors grieve for their friend after one of the Stocking Stranglings. (Courtesy of Columbus Ledger-Enquirer)

Neighbors grieve for their friend after one of the Stocking Stranglings. (Courtesy of Columbus Ledger-Enquirer)

Info, Photos & Footage

We're always looking for information, photos, and footage for our current and future projects. If you have some that you'd like to donate, email us, and we'll send you a release form and instructions. Because we are a small nonprofit, we can't pay for information, stills, or footage, but we're grateful for your donations. Please do not send us your original footage or photos, unless we specifically request it.

Mailing List Form